Thursday, March 31, 2011

One long look at the mirror.

I look around myself and wonder,
If what I am seeing is what it really is.
Everything seems easy and fast ,up yonder,
But the moment I reach there, it comes to a pass.

I see happy faces walking by,
And wonder if it's a mask- just like mine.
So many dreams, so many hopes,
All drowned in the crazy tide,
Of money, power and pride.
We are told to swallow our hopes, throw our dreams,
Run in the rat race and set  the  bar up high,
So that some forlorn youngster – just like me
Will someday question his own gall.

We are taught to be courteous, polite and couth
“To be patient and kind” ,they say, “is the ultimate selfless you.”
But I am tired of kindness, tired of mercy
My mind  choked by ingratitude , tells the heart to turn away from the truce..

I stare at the mirror, stunned at the image,
As I see myself from inside out .
I wonder when it happened to me...
and try to remember the times I was free.
It's hard to acknowledge the truth,
 Though I try, and convince myself and say “it's you”.
Again and again, the reflection shouts, begs and pleads,
To break the bonds of reality-O! How I wish that the mirror was a lie!
But alas, my fickle mind refuses its own freedom from servitude.


  1. choice of words is too gud!! and well indited too..

  2. Thanks Vinu :) it was something tht came out of a lot of sure u ll b able to relate!! ;P
